About us

WasteFuel produces sustainable fuels using proven technologies to address the climate emergency and revolutionize mobility.
A meaningful part of mobility can be powered by waste.
Founded by Trevor Neilson and Alejandro Estrada, WasteFuel utilizes proven, scalable technologies to convert municipal and agricultural waste into low-carbon fuels including green methanol. We have developed innovative technology pathways to meaningfully improve yields and further reduce emissions.
Our strategic partnerships with leading global companies ensure the environmental, operational, and commercial aspects of each biorefinery project are met safely, efficiently, and economically.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) estimates that shipping accounts for about 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and given the current growth rates and lack of substantial efforts to decarbonize the sector, shipping could represent up to 10% of all global emissions by 2050.
WasteFuel uses proven technologies and partners with industry leaders to produce green methanol to decarbonize the shipping sector.
We are building a valuable IP portfolio of waste-to-fuels technology including the WasteFuel Methanol Module™, which is assembled to produce fuel grade methanol from a variety of waste sources including landfill gas and biogas using anaerobic digestion. The process is designed in a modular fashion to improve the overall utilization of resources and allow for cost-effective, quick scaling.
When utilized at a commercial scale, the WasteFuel Methanol Module™ will produce green methanol fuel that can achieve up to 90% reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gases and pollutants compared to conventional fuels.