There’s no such thing as waste. There’s just potential fuel.

The issue and

Consumption inevitably produces waste. Globally, we are creating 2.01 billion metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) annually. And that trend is set to continue: the World Bank estimates that the world’s overall waste generation will increase to 3.4 billion metric tons by 2050.​​
This presents society, business and the environment with an immense challenge - and opportunity.
Our transportation is fueling the climate emergency. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector have more than doubled since 1970 and have increased at a faster rate than any other energy end-use sector.
In a globalized world, demand for consumer goods is only set to increase. Shipping transports around 90% of global trade and accounts for 3% of global (GHG) emissions, from the combustion of fossil fuels.

WasteFuel is revolutionizing mobility and addressing the climate emergency by transforming waste into renewable fuels using proven technologies.
This low-carbon transformation represents one of the biggest opportunities in the energy industry’s history.
Addressing the waste crisis and the climate crisis to create a circular economy will have a radical impact on how we view, value, and treat waste - and how we harness its extraordinary power to mobilize in the 21st century.

From dump
to pump